About us
Welcome to Visishta – The Unique Play School
Baghawat Ramanuja , the revolutionary saint propagated equality in society. Sri Ramanuja was ready to go to hell if the society gets the salvation by knowing the “ Thirumanthra”. He prostrated before Lord Sri Rangnatha and taken a boon which is an assurance for all his followers and set the path of “saranagathi” for salvation and attain HIS lotus feet. His vision to see the entire universe as belonging to Lord Vishnu and “ Vasudeva Kudumpakam”.
His Philosophy of “Visishtadwaita” bears in its name “Visishta” meaning unique, united,, distinguished, excellence, respectable, definite and specific. Hence the name “VISISHTA” to our venture which is perceived to be the “The Unique School’.
Our school is the first step towards realizing our dream of bringing up a unique school to nurture “Confidence Competence Character” in children at the mould-able age. It has been observed by educationists time and again that the creativity and uniqueness of children are not supported by the present educational systems as they grow into secondary and senior levels. Education becomes more of a rigid mould in which all the children of different categories are cast. Therefore, we tend to create replicated patterns rather than unique human beings. The school is intended to be a step towards preserving an nurturing the creativity and originality of children as they grow into the secondary education. The children should bloom into responsible citizens and reverence to our rich and varied India culture and heritage.

Evolution and growth of Visishta
The school was born on 19th September 2009, with Aksharabyasa on Vijaya Dashami day.
The school is the first step towards realising our dream of bringing up a unique school to nurturing and preserving their originality and creativity and to bring “Confidence, Competence and Character” in Children at mouldable age. As we have grown over since 2009, We have developed a unique curriculum, accepted appreciated and applauded by Parents and the schools in the neighborhood. We are probably the only preschool to have our esteemed academic advisory board and a Principal of high profile.
Our school is proposed to be adopted as a model school for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) course by NIOS (National Institute for Open schooling under MHRD of Govt of India).

About Logo
At Kids School, we believe that learning is important for life. Parents and teachers are really important for kids when they are young. They help shape the future of children. Our teachers are kind and caring. They help parents make sure kids grow up well-rounded. A good place at school

Mission of the playschool is to prepare youngsters to face challenges of life with courage, confidence, and commitment, to promote an educated society in which each one is an important component towards high-quality growth, sensitive to the society around them supported by a strong base of principles and values.
The vision on the school is to bring forth a vibrant and committed learning community in pursuit of knowledge truth and excellence, sustained by strong principles and values which promote responsible citizens who are instrumental in bringing about social transformation.